Events, other resources & listings (South Coast) ILLAWARRA FOLK FESTIVAL at Bulli, 16th - 19th January 2020 The festival includes dance and displays [2/19]
(Sydney) CELTIC FESTIVAL 26th January, not held in 2019, webpage [2/19]
(South Coast) COBARGO FOLK FESTIVAL 1st - 3rd March 2019., organised by Yuin Folk Club [2/19]
(North & East) AUSTRALIAN CELTIC FESTIVAL 2nd - 5th May 2019, Glen Innes, dance and dance performances are two of the many activities [2/19]
(Sydney) HERITAGE BALL 25th May 2019, Goulburn An elegant evening of traditional and popular dances. Web page. Organised by Bush Music Club [2/19]
(Central Highlands) BUNDANOON BUSH DANCE WEEKEND June long weekend, 7th -10th June 2019. Dances and workshops in many traditions. Organised by Bush Traditions. [2/19]
(Sydney) NEW SYDNEY BALL 24th August 2019. An evening of dances in the Australian and cognate traditions, Website [2/19]
(Maitland) MAITLAND SUBSCRIPTION BALL — No further Maitland Balls are planned — [3/18]
(Yass) IRISH AND CELTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL 13th - 15th 2019 with a stream of Irish and Scottish dancing. Programme forthcoming. or on Facebook [8/19]
(Central Coast) Flannel Flower Spring Ball, 12th October 2019, East Gosford Progress Hall, cnr Wells Str and Henry Parry Drive. MC John Short w/ invited callers, music by Barangaroo. CCBDMA schedule includes dates of practice sessions [2/19]
(Wagga Wagga) URANQUINTY FOLK FESTIVAL, 4th - 7th October 2019, website or Facebook [2/19]
(Central Highlands) KANGAROO VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL 18th - 20th October 2019, music, poetry, craft and dance, website [2/19]
(South Coast) MAJORS CREEK FESTIVAL near Braidwood, 8th - 10th November 2019, website [2/19]
(Central) GULGONG FOLK FESTIVAL 28 -31 Dec 2018. Music and Dance [3/18]
[Past events in the list are a guide for the future]
- Folk Federation of NSW website [3/18]
- Folk Dance Australia [9/00]
- Israeli Dance Australia [12/09]
- Dance In Wagga: 24 Grandview Terrace, Wagga Wagga (02) 69 250050 or 69 219893
Alternate Wed:Australian, Irish, Celtic dance
Alternate Wed: Circle, Sacred, International dance [4/98]- Circle Dancing, Monday, Wesley Senior Citizen Hall, William Street, Hamilton (Central Coast) Enq: Judith (02) 4947 9441 [11/02]
- Bush Dance:
- Monday 7.30pm (workshop) - Community Centre, Lower rear hall, Cnr Yarrara & Ramsay Rds. Pennant Hills oppo Station (except Jan.) Enq: Felicity (02) 9456 2860 [2/05]
- Sutherland Shire Bush Dance Group, Wednesdays, February to mid-December, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Road, Gymea (short walk from Gymea Railway Station, near President Ave) 7.30 - 10pm for bush dancing, a yarn and a cuppa. All dances are taught, walked through and called. Entry fee: $6 per person. Beginners, singles, partners and groups are welcome. Enquiries: Mike (02) 9520 2859, Leila 9545 1576 [2017]
- 1st Saturday 8pm -Beecroft Community Centre, Beecroft Road. $17. Enq: (02) 9417 4210 Organised by BMC [11/02]
- 2nd Saturday 8pm to midnight - East Gosford Progress Hall, cnr Wells Str & Henry Parry Drv, East Gosford (Central Coast). $20 ($15 members) including light supper. Enquiries: Robyn (02) 4344 6484. Organised by Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Assoc. Inc, also on Facebook or Meetup[2/19]
- 2nd Saturday 8pm to midnight - Wesley Fellowship Hall, Beaumont Street, Hamilton Enq: (02) 4957 0830. Organised by Newcastle Folk Club. [11/02]
- 2nd Saturday 6.30-10pm - Community Centre, 60 Yarrara Rd, Pennant Hills, opposite Pennant Hills Station. $20 / $15 / $10 with $5 discount for firm bookings 2 weeks beforehand. Enq: (02) 9873 3138 or 0416 21 21 36 [8/05]
- Colonial:
- Wednesday 8pm - Community Hall, West Dapto Rd, Wongawilli. Enq: (02) 4257 1788 or Wongawilli Band & Wongawilli Colonial Dance Club Inc.
- Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm (during school terms), Wentworth Falls School of Arts, 217-219 Great Western Highway, Wentworth Falls, nr cnr of Adele Avenue (Falls Rd). $5. Colonial, Old Time, Modern Bush. Organised by Blue Mountains Heritage Dance Group, details, enquiries: Caroline on 0439 314 948 [03/18]
- Friday 8pm - Australian Colonial & Folk Dancers - demonstration group. West Epping Girl Guide Hall, Plympton Rd, Beecroft. Enq. Anthony & Lisa (02) 9873 4805 [7/12]
- Dutch: Tuesday 8.00pm - Hassall Street Special School Hall, Parramatta. Enq: (02) 9631 2720 Website [8/07]
- Early Dance - Social dances of the European Courts in the Renaissance and Baroque eras - from the early fifteenth century to the late eighteenth century. Enquiries: (02) 9416 5765 [9/09]
- English Country:
- Sydney Playford Dance Group, Bush Music Club Tritton Hall (Hut 44), Addison Road Community Centre, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville. 1st Tuesdays of the month (except January and if date falls on Easter Tuesday). 7.30-9.30pm. Facebook [8/13]
- Sydney English Country Dance, Church By The Bridge, Kirribilli (St John's Anglican Church, Broughton Street cnr Bligh Street), near Milson's Point railway station, 1st Thursday, 7-9pm, sometimes on a Saturday or special events. Details on-line Website or Facebook [8/13]
- School for Seniors offers classes, Wesley Mission Building, Pitt St. Sydney, website [8/18]
- Greek:
- Monday 7 - 9 pm, Pan Macedonian Association building - Railway Pde Sydenham - all ages, all levels. Enq: (02) 9708 1875, 0407 081 875 or NSW Greek Folk Dancers [8/18]
- Tuesday 6 - 9 pm, Emporium Function Centre - Level 1 258 South Terrace Bankstown. 6-7 beginners 7-9 Intermediate - Advance Levels (performing group). Enq: (02) 9708 1875 or [2/05]
- Wednesday 6 - 8 pm, Blakehurst Public School - Dewang St. Enq: (02) 9708 1875 or [2/05]
- Thursday 6.30pm -All Saints Greek Orthodox Community Hall, Isabel & Cecilia Sts, Belmore. Enq: (02) 9789 1659 [11/02]
- Thursday 7.30pm - 30 Croydon St, Lakemba. Enq: (02) 9708 1875 [11/02]
- Thursday 6pm - 9pm ** 7:30 till 9:00 Adult Class**, St Gerassimus Greek Church Hall - 21 Henry St Leichhardt Enq: 9708 1875 or [2/05]
- Hungarian: Tuesday evenings, Leichhardt. Enq: (02) 9559 4485 or [11/02]
- Hungarian: Kengugró Australian-Hungarian Folklore Ensemble website [8/18]
- International:
- Monday 10am - Earlwood Senior Citizens Centre, 362 Homer Street, Enq: (02) 9558 4753 [11/02]
- Monday 7pm - Uniting Church Hall, Katoomba St Katoomba. Enq: (02) 47 59 2534 [5/03]
- Tuesday 7.30pm - Gymea Bay Scout Hall, June Place. Enq: (02) 9528 4813, Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group [4/17]
- , Gymea Scouts Hall, 6.30pm Tuesdays, and 10am Thursdays, Como Girl Guides hall, 9.30am and 11am Wednesdays. Enquiries: 9528 4813, (02) 9528 4813
- Wednesday 9.30 and 11 am - Como Girl Guides Hall. Enq: (02) 9528 4813, Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group [4/17]
- Wednesday 7.15pm - Collaroy Plateau Youth Club, Blandford St. Enq: (02) 9905 1563 [11/02]
- Wednesday 9am - Bankstown Older Womens Wellness Centre, PCYC, Cnr Meredith St & French Ave. Enq: (02) 9728 7466 [11/02]
- Thursday 10am - Gymea Boy Scout Hall, June Place.Enq: (02) 9528 4813,Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group [4/17]
- Thursday 7pm - Baptist Church Hall, King St, Glenbrook. Enq:(02) 4739 6498
- Friday 8pm - Sedenka International FD - Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre, 665a Darling St. Enq: (02) 9560 2910 [3/11]
- Saturday morning, childrens classes, 6-18 yrs - Pennant Hills Community Centre Enq: (02) 9905 1563 [5/03]
- Irish Set:
- Harp Irish Dancers Monday and Wednesday evenings, details [4/16]
- Sydney Irish Ceili Dancers Thursday, 6.30pm-7.45 adult step dancing, 8pm-10 ceili and set dancing, Uniting Church Hall, 289A Kingsgrove Road (corner Moreton Avenue) Kingsgrove [Map] [3/18]
- Latvian dance group Jautrais Pāris [8/18]
- Ilinden Macedonian Folkloric Dancing Group: Friday 6:30pm. 65-66 Railway St, Rockdale 2216. Enq: 0401 193 854 [11/10]
- Morris:
- Polish
- Sacred dancing/circle dancing Lake Macquarie
Marmong Point Community Hall, second and fourth Thursdays of the month (except school holidays)
Lakelands (Warners Bay) community centre, first and third Mondays of the month.
Contacts: (02) 4947 9441; (02) 4958 4635 [9/01]- Strath Hunter Dancers, Monday, 7.30pm, Wallsend Uniting Church Enq: (02) 4943 3436 [5/03]
- Scottish Country:
- Sydney classes[8/18]
- Hunter Valley classes[8/18]
- Monday 7.30pm - Jubilee Hall, Cnr Kensington Street & Grosvenor Road, Kensington Enq: (02) 9318 1802 [5/03]
- Monday 7pm - St Michaels Parish Hall, Haig Ave., Daceyville. Enq: (02) 9318 1802 [5/03]
- Monday - Melrose Hall, Cnr Great Western Hwy & Park St, Emu Plains Enq: (02) 9949 2797
- Tuesday 7.30pm -Adamstown Uniting Church Hall. [11/02]
- Tuesday 7.30pm -St John's Uniting Church Hall, Coonanbarra Rd, Wahroonga. Enq: (02) 9489 5027 [11/02]
- Tuesday 6pm - Fort Street School, Observatory Hill, Millers Point (Sydney). Enq: (02) 9994 7110 [11/02]
- Tuesday 7pm - Catholic Church Hall, Wentworth St., Blue Mountains. Enq: (02) 4787 5968 [5/03]
- Wednesday 7.30pm to 10.00 - Church of Christ Hall, Wyoming (Gosford, Central Coast). $3. Social dancing, jigs, reels, strathspeys, to the swirl of Scottish folk music. Enquiries: Marie (02) 4384 3251, Doug 4369 1497 [11/02]
- Wednesday 7pm -Church of Christ Hall, Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming. Enq: 4384 3527[11/02]
- Wednesday 7.30pm -St Aidan's Church Hall, Downing St, Epping. Details on including social and beginner's classes on webpage [8/16]
- Wednesday 7pm -SeniorsÍ Centre, Mosman Square, Mosman. Enq: 9981 4769 [11/02]
- Wednesday 7.30pm -Fitzroy Centre, Fitzroy St, Burwood. Enq: (02) 9727 2301[11/02]
- Thursday 7.30pm - Bligh Room, Richmond Club, Cnr Frances & East Market Sts, Richmond. Enq: (02) 4573 1535 [11/02]
- Friday 6.30pm - Beecroft Primary School. Enq: (02) 9868 2075 [11/02]
- Friday 8pm - Caringbah Seniors Hall, 386 Point Hacking Rd. Enq: (02) 9501 0818 [11/02]
- Friday 7.45pm - Helensburgh Community Hall, Walker St. Helensburgh. Enq: (02) 9520 9075 [6/03]
- Friday 7.30pm - St Andrews Church, Adamstown. Enq: Allan 0422 747 965 [3/18]
- Eastwood and Campsie listing [8/16]
- Warringah Scottish Society has four events yearly with country dancing, old time dance, and Scottish entertainment [8/16]
- Scottish Highland
- NSW State Committee [6/09]
- Karen McPhillips School of Highland Dancing, Enquiries: (02) 97092914,, Penshurst and Bankstown (Sydney) [6/09] OzScot Highland Dancing Academy [6/09]
- teachers listing
- Scottish & Old Time
- 2nd Saturday, 8pm, Uniting Church, 9-11 Bay St, Rockdale. Enq: (02) 9587 9966
- 3rd Saturday, Orkney & Shetland Assoc., St David's Hall, Dalhousie St, Haberfield. Enq: (02) 9874 5570
- Serbian: КУД „Свилен Конац‟ – Folk Ensemble "Svilen Konac"
- Swedish: Tuesday - Linnea Swedish Folk Dance, Scandinavian Club, 3 Grattan Cres, French's Forest. Enq: (02) 9874 4194 [11/02]
- Turkish: Tuesday 8pm - Lidcombe Community Centre. Enq: (02) 9646 1166 [11/02]
- Ukranian Veselka Dance Ensemble „Веселка‟,, Ukrainian Hall, 59 Joseph Street, Lidcombe, or Facebook
- Welsh: Hunter Folk Dancers. Monday 7.30 - 9.30 pm, All Saints Parish House, Cromwell St., New Lambton (Newcastle). Enquiries: 0413 229 740, (02) 4952 1327 or [10/01]